Example Viewpoints

Sat 13 February 2021

Filed under Enterprise Architecture

Tags Enterprise Architecture Archimate

Example Viewpoints

Basic Viewpoints in the ArchiMate Language

A viewpoint in the ArchiMate language is a selection of a relevant subset of the ArchiMate elements and their relationships. This is the representation of that part of an architecture that is expressed in different diagrams.

The most basic type of viewpoint is a simple selection of a relevant subset of the ArchiMate concepts and the representation of that part of an architecture that is expressed in this selection, geared towards the stakeholders that will use the resulting views.

The different viewpoints are grouped into categories that indicate which direction and which elements the viewpoint is looking at:

  1. Composition: viewpoints that define internal compositions and aggregations of elements.

  2. Support: viewpoints where you are looking at elements that are supported by other elements, typically from one layer and upwards to an above layer.

  3. Cooperation: towards peer elements which cooperate with each other, typically across aspects.

  4. Realization: viewpoints where you are looking at elements that realize other elements, typically from one layer and downwards to a below layer.

Category: Composition
Name Perspective Scope
Organization Structure of the enterprise in terms of roles, departments, etc. Single layer, single aspect
Application Structure Shows the structure of a typical application in terms of its constituents. Single layer, multiple aspect
Information Structure Shows the structure of the information used in the enterprise. Multiple layer, single aspect
Technology Infrastructure and platforms underlying the enterprise’s information systems in terms of networks, devices, and system software. Single layer, multiple aspect
Layered Provides overview of architecture(s). Multiple layer, multiple aspect
Physical Physical environment and how this relates to IT infrastructure. Multiple layer, multiple aspect
Category: Support
Name Perspective Scope
Product Shows the contents of products. Multiple layer, multiple aspect
Application Usage Relates applications to their use in, for example, business processes. Multiple layer, multiple aspect
Technology Usage Shows how technology is used by applications. Multiple layer, multiple aspect
Category: Cooperation
Name Perspective Scope
Business Process Cooperation Shows the relationships between various business processes. Multiple layer, multiple aspect
Application Cooperation Shows application components and their mutual relationships. Application layer, multiple aspect
Category: Realization
Name Perspective Scope
Service Realization Shows how services are realized by the requisite behavior. Multiple layer, multiple aspect
Implementation and Deployment Shows how applications are mapped onto the underlying technology. Multiple layer, multiple aspect


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